I dreaded it all week, and this morning it happened. This morning, Cat and Leanna left. They've left Ireland for good, to go back to their families and friends in America. It was one of the most difficult goodbyes I've ever had to say. Wait, no. It was the most difficult goodbye. I've been comforting myself with the fact that its not goodbye for ever, its just goodbye for now, but it's just not going to be the same without them.
Right now, I'm trying to stay in denial , but I know it won't last. It's already starting to fade. This week, I won't get to text or call Leanna. This Friday, I won't see either of them in cell group. Sunday, I won't see them in church, or get to go have lunch with them. In 2 weeks time, when An Tobar Nua is back to business, I won't get to see them when I stop by - no more smiles, no more hugs from the best hugger I know, I won't hear Leanna say "Who are you?!" or get to play with Cat's darts... There's more, but I might end up in a puddle of tears. What can I say, I'm going to miss you guys.
Apart from feeling like there are Cat and Leanna-sized holes in my heart, I have to say that I am sooo thankful for having them in my life, the friendship, the joy and the memories we shared - Our God is an awesome God, He's been blessing me again and again with amazing friends :) I'm going to look back, and think of you, and my heart will smile, and well up with love. You both have blessed my life so richly, just by being your very unique and loving selves :)
Boldbean, out!