Saturday, October 20, 2007

Goodbye Mr. A!

I don't think tonight could have been any more fun than it was! I went for my first "young adults meeting" its a new small group - for yes.. young adults!

What a random mish-mash of different personalities! But we all got along!! All 20 of us :) Some Irish folk, some Americans, a few Malaysians and a Singaporean :) Only God could have brought all of us together like He did and let us get along so well :)

The night started off pretty quiet - all of us not really knowing each other (well the An Tobar Nua crew knew themselves) but at the end of the night.. It was just MADNESS I tell ya.. MADNESS. Jumping off stools, longboarding around the cafe, dance offs on the tiny stage.. And to think.. It all started with humble tea and biscuits :)

Esther reminded me of what we prayed for aaaaaaaaaaaages ago :) We prayed exactly for a group like this when we first met 3 years ago - and lookie! 3 years later - answered prayer :) We're all here and together for a reason in this season :) I can't wait to find out what the reason is!

2 songs that I can't get outta my head..

Goodbye Mr. A! by the Hoosiers

Apologize by OneRepublic

Ooh! It's my brother's birthday today :) Happy birthday my brovva..

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