Thursday, September 21, 2006

I get so emotional..

John 15:31 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

Why do I put myself out there so much.. Who would have thought that someone I would give my life for - couldn't and wouldn't care less..

I'm no perfect friend, I try to be there for everyone as much as I can. I try to keep in touch with friends, I try to be understanding. But I'm only human. I have my bad days, I get my moods. I don't make enough of an effort to keep in touch at times - but I'm working on it. Other times, I just can't understand certain things. But I think I'm an okay friend?

Just hurts to see the way things have ended up, but as much as I didn't want this to be true, it's looking to be what people have been saying.. Some friends are just in our lives for a season.

I really am hoping that I'm not jumping to conclusions and that this is all just in my head..

Then again, it may just be time to let go.


rammalla said...

yes, best friend is like that who helps other in difficult situation by suggestion and what he/she can do in his/her side. friend is not sesonal if friend think like that it is their personal view and all are not simialr. thank you;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

adriantai said...

friends are like seasons, they come and go and come... good friends will come back into our lives again at one time or another.

i have a few really good buddies. we may be very far apart and hardly see each other but we know that if there is a need for us to be there for one another, we will be there. of coz we have our ups and downs and sometimes we feel like just k1cking the other fella's 4ss... :)

it is only normal to have ups and downs in a friendship, no matter how good. coz everyone's unique. :0

Stacey said...

Thanks for your comments :)

Yeah I didn't think about friends coming back at another time :P

But this is sorta different? We aren't that far apart, distance-wise..

I guess we may have just grown apart, each living her own life.

rammalla said...

ok, this is what situation of many cases and your view is absolutely correct.

in this world we are far and nearer it depends on whether we have communication or not . Hotmail or yahoo only present you infont of you, lf you do not like to present yourself infront of other you are always hidden and we all friend are very far away and the situation will not reach when we share our idea and help other . therefore , i think if anyone wants to share any problem one should think it as her/his situation and solve it

rammalla said...

THE defination of season can be taken differently , if we are taking it as something that comes once in year or that is somehow different, for example rainy season is different in nature in different years but the way it acts in Nature is same . similarly friends are alike but if one has time or the way they can do the work and behave is different accourding to time but the time and nature is always in favour to union not separation and do same thing many times. therefore what i can say that if i am insid mud or similar situation
i also do one thing what is best or true for friendship and it may change when my form of body change and it only includes who are the best friends.......++++