Saturday, April 28, 2007

Looks like...

I'm back into the posting groove - don't know if that's a good thing or not...

I may be the only person out of 7 in this house that has an internal clock. Its a Saturday, and I woke up at 8, to an extremely quiet house... Its not fair how they can sleep in til "late" - later than me anyway...

I got two emails today from the consultant I'm doing research with over this summer, its so cute, she thinks I spell my name "stezsie" instead of "Stacey" because that's what I use in my email address... Maybe I should get me a proper email address :P


Are you hoping for a miracle? said...

i just must say that your layout for this blog is fantastic!

Stacey said...

Thanks! I got it from Pannasmontata - :)