Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bad mood..

I don't think I've been in a bad mood for a while? I think. But last night was just bad. Just so many things running through my head. And I just want it all to end - and I don't mean that in a /SUICIDAL/ way. Why can't life just be simple? Just want to live a somewhat scheduled and planned out life with some room for deviation - but yeah I want my life to be structured. I say that now - but when it happens, I wonder if I'll be happy.

"Who knew you had such audacity?"
But its okay, I'm okay, we're all okay..
Everyone's entitled to be who they want to be..
You can't please everyone, no matter how hard you try.

Anyway, on a lighter note :) The weekend is coming a day early this week :D We get Friday off - its Good Friday! Of course we're getting it off! And we're off til Tuesday - yayyyy! Plans for the long weekend? Going to stay over at my little snail bro's house - we're going to watch episodes of One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives.. We're going to eat bak kut teh and fajitas! And Doritos with dips :D And we're going to be online all day and night. And we're going to.. Talk talk talk :D Hee hee.. Can't wait! Will remember to include some plans to study and go to the gym as well :D

I think shorter posts are better than longer ones - what do you think? Bite sized pieces rather than beefy chunks?

I'm in such a weird mood; moody, sleepy, tired, bored and HYPER..

1 comment:

Random Guy said...

shorter posts are easier to read